Iain Charged
Trina Hunt's husband charged with "indignity to human remains"
04 Feb 2025

Trina Hunts Family offers $50,000 for tips leading to an arrest

If you have any tips, have information, or are covering for the person that murdered Trina - please contact the IHIT Information Line

1-877-551-IHIT (4448)
[email protected]

About Trina

Trina Hunt, was a 48 year old woman who lived at 38 Hawthorn Drive, Port Moody, BC. She was employed by Shaw Communications and had a great rapport with co-workers, many remaining friends after she left to take an early retirement.

She was last seen at 6am on the 18th January 2021 at her home by her husband Iain Hunt. He reported her missing later that day when he returned from work. Police, search and rescue crews, and hundreds of volunteers scoured the area around her Heritage Woods home for weeks, but found nothing.

Her body was found in Hope, BC on March 29 2021, in the same area her and her husband visited in January - her murderer is yet to be brought to justice.


Help Find Justice for Trina Hunt
Click to download the Find_Trinas_Murderer.pdf for printing & distribution

Trina Hunt's Timeline

This timeline will be constantly updated as new information is added and verified, and existing information updated.



Jan 14 2021

Trina Hunt is spotted on CCTV footage in the retail community. This is the last known public footage of Trina.


Jan 15 2021

Trina texted with a friend in Ottawa, Canada


Jan 16 2021

Iain said him and Trina drove to HOPE, BC for the day to visit a campground they used to goto when they were younger. January 16th 2021 was cold & icy, with cloud, patches of fog and light showers in Hope, BC (a high of 7c, a low of 1 to 2c) - Iain stated that there were no stops and took the gray BMW rear wheel drive 3 series, despite using Trina's larger AWD Mercedes SUV normally at weekends. He stated that there were no phones due to a "digital detox", and that he was not sure of the time they returned by "back in time for a movie"

Trina Hunt: Jan 16 2021

Jan 16 2021 Mid-Day

Two text messages from an old co-worker of Trina's went unanswered


Jan 17 2021

Iain said it was a quiet weekend, when asked about what Iain and Trina did on Sunday, the answer given to family and people who were concerned about Trina, was "vague". As it stands now, no-one really knows what happened Sunday.


Jan 17-24 2021

Iain posts this to his Pinterest board https://www.pinterest.ca/iainhunt/

Trina Hunt: Jan 17-24 2021

Jan 17 2021 4:33pm

Trina's phone responds to some texts, including that of a former coworker. The writing style and curtness, and lack of emojis was unlike Trina. At 7:19pm a second text replying "Amen!" was sent, Trina had never used that in the past.

Trina Hunt: Jan 17 2021 4:33pm

Jan 17 2021 Evening

Iain reports he did not set the house alarm that night because he was leaving for work early Monday and didn't want to wake Trina up. In the houses on Hawthorn Drive, the alarm pad is in the hallway, outside of the master bedroom. Un-setting the alarm would cause 2 beeps, but unsetting it and leaving in the morning does not cause any continuous beeping to wake someone. Trina was fastidious about having the security alarm on and windows/doors closed at night


Jan 18 2021 Morning

Iain was reportedly the last person to see Trina when he left for work at 6 am.

Trina Hunt: Jan 18 2021 Morning

Jan 18 2021

No activity on Trina's mobile phone nor laptop all day


Jan 18 2021 1:00pm

Trina misses a telephone appointment


Jan 18 2021 4:30pm

Iain returns home to 38 Hawthorn Drive, to find Trina's wallet, keys, phone, and car at home, but no Trina. The front door was unlocked, with no visible signs of forced entry.


Jan 18 2021 5:00pm

Iain calls police and reports Trina missing


Jan 18 2021 Evening

Port Moody Police canvas the area and begin searching, requesting video footage. Scent dogs were used around the Hunts home, no scent was able to be picked up


Jan 19-20 2021

Ground search begins by Port Moody Police, Search and Rescue, and numerous community volunteers in and around the Port Moody area. Sg. Ian Morrison confirms an RCMP helicopter and & canine unit have joined the search, and they have a half dozen officers on the case.

Trina Hunt: Jan 19-20 2021

Jan 21 2021

Community search of Heritage Mountain is called off by Port Moody Police. They collect local video footage of the area and encourage more to come forward.


Jan 21 2021 Onwards

Search & Rescue & K-9 Units continued to scour the local area for any signs of Trina. They were deployed several times over the next couple of weeks


Feb 17 2021

Port Moody Police issue a formal news release. It states, "Numerous investigative resources have been utilized in our search for Trina including RCMP Air Services, Coquitlam Search and Rescue, the Vancouver Police Marine Unit, and the Lower Mainland Integrated Police Dog Service." It also includes the following on IHIT's involvement: "We have also contacted our partners at the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), as part of that team's mandate is to investigate suspicious missing person cases where foul play is suspected. At this time, evidence indicates that this missing person case does not meet IHIT's mandate."


Feb 18 2021

Port Moody Police Chief Fleugal says in an interview with News1130 that, "…we've come to the conclusion that IHIT can no longer continue to assist us, because we don't have any evidence of foul play." Chief Fleugal goes on to state that, "Our minds are open, absolutely to all possibilities," and "We did have a lot of people on this case over the last month. We called out our major crimes section initially, the very first day — we believed it was serious enough to call out our higher trained detectives." When asked about his confidence that "this will actually be solved", Fleugal says "I am confident that we are going to make some inroads…"


Feb 28 2021

A GoFundMe page was setup to help assist with finding Trina: GoFundMe Page currently at $22,285


Mar 01 2021

Large Banner and appeal by family and friends at major road overpass in Port Moody, Iain did not attend, but a statement from him was read:

"The past six weeks since Trina's disappearance have been a devastating and incredibly difficult time for me and everyone who knows my wife. I feel the same frustration and incomprehension that her parents, family, and friends share, in not knowing what has happened to Trina. I am confident the police are doing all they can to solve this case, and I am hopeful that they will bring Trina home."

Trina Hunt: Mar 01 2021

Mar 10 2021

Iains employment as CEO (Jan 2013 - Mar 2021) at CleanTech Service Group was terminated today for unknown reasons - Iain reporting he is taking a "sabbatical". CleanTech services scrubs all photos and mention of Iain Hunt from their website and social media channels

Trina Hunt: Mar 10 2021

Mar 29 2021 Morning

The first of 3 human remains are found and reported at 10am (2 found in Hope, BC & 1 in Mission where Iains parents live and he currently resides) - Remains confirmed to not be April Parisian. On April 19th, Jordan Naterer was ruled out and confirmation IHIT has identified the remains but no other information forthcoming. https://www.hopestandard.com/news/human-remains-discovered-in-hope-ihit/


Mar 29 2021 Afternoon

Iain leaves family home in the afternoon and moves to parents home in Mission, BC for a number of weeks


Mar 31 2021

2nd set of human remains found in Hope, BC

Trina Hunt: Mar 31 2021

Apr 01 2021

Both Parisian and Bell families confirm that they'd spoken to RCMP who say that remains are unlikely their loved ones.


Apr 01 2021

A marked Coquitlam RCMP was at the Hunt's home from before 12pm to 2pm, another detectives vehicle was further up. Iain was reportedly not at home

Trina Hunt: Apr 01 2021

Apr 06 2021

3rd set of remains found in Mission BC. These were identified on May 1st, 2021 to belong to Brandon Sakebow, aged 23, from Saskatchewan.


Apr 18 2021

Candlelight vigil for Trina held by family and friends at Rocky Point park in BC, Iain did not attend

Trina Hunt: Apr 18 2021

Apr 19 2021

From an investigation into the humans remains found in Hope, BC, Jordan Naterer was ruled out, IHIT has identified the remains but no other information forthcoming


Apr 22 2021

A new poster was designed and distributed (above), with updated information and put up everywhere from Vancouver to Hope, to help maintain momentum and her in peoples hearts and minds

Trina Hunt: Apr 22 2021

Apr 27 2021

Neighbours see Iain Hunt for the afternoon at the family home after being away for nearly a month. It appears as though he did not stay.


May 1 2021

IHIT reports that human remains found in Hope, are unfortunately, Trina Hunt. Foul play is suspected. https://twitter.com/HomicideTeam/status/1388598376741040129?s=20

Trina Hunt: May 1 2021

May 1 2021

Flowers start being left at Trina Hunts home (38 Hawthorn Drive, Port Moody).
Photo credit: Rick de Courtney

Trina Hunt: May 1 2021

May 3 2021

Multiple news outlets, including GlobalTV & CTV News arrive at Trina's home and report updates and the flowers being left.

Trina Hunt: May 3 2021

May 4 2021

Iain and his father arrive around 2:40pm at the family home and stay for 1 night. Iain is seen arriving with a duffel bag.

Trina Hunt: May 4 2021

May 5 2021

UPDATEThe rumour from the weekend of May 1st has been removed. IHIT confirmed that no-one is in custody, yet. Sgt Frank Jang reported that "We are working extremely hard on that investigation. It's an active and ongoing investigation and right now isn't the time for me to comment, for us to comment, on that particular case. That time may be coming soon." https://bc.ctvnews.ca/mobile/no-one-s-in-custody-not-yet-anyway-investigator-says-of-rumours-in-case-of-missing-b-c-woman-found-dead-1.5415637


May 10 2021

GlobalNews spoke to the family of Trina Hunt for the first time since Homicide Investigators announced her body was found near Hope at the end of March. The family is shedding new light on the Port Moody woman's last movements and conversations, and they have a plea for her killer. Stephanie Ibbott, and her husband, talk for the first time, in depth, about the confusion that Iain and Trina travelling to Hope together, with no phones, only for her body to be discovered there some time later. https://globalnews.ca/video/7850519/trina-hunts-family-speaks-out-following-the-identification-of-her-body

Trina Hunt: May 10 2021

June 1 2021

Trina's family announce a $50,000 reward leading to the arrest and charges laid in the murder of Trina Hunt

Trina Hunt: June 1 2021

June 5 2021

IHIT and Port Moody police conduct simultaneous search warrants at Trina's home, and Iain's parents home where he has been residing for much of the time since Trina disappeared. Police have been seen conducting forensic 3d scanning, removing of many objects including mail/paperwork. It is unknown at this time if Iain Hunt has been arrested, but it is likely given the scope of multiple broad search warrants on both properties


June 5 2021

Both Trinas white Mercedes SUV from Iains parents home and Iains gray BMW at Trinas home are towed away

Trina Hunt: June 5 2021

June 6 2021

Today would have been Trina Hunts 49th Birthday 💜

Trina Hunt: June 6 2021

June 3 2022

Iain Hunt has been arrested He was seen being driven away from 38 Hawthorn Drive, still in his slippers, at 4pm today. It is anticipated that he will be charged on June 6th 2022, Trina's 50th Birthday

Trina Hunt: June 3 2022

June 4 2022

It has been reported that IAIN HUNT has been released by IHIT with no charges pending


Aug 25 2022

Trina Hunt's family has renewed the $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and charges for the murder of Trina.

Iain Hunt and his family are consistently conspicuous in their absense in helping search for Trina or for Trina's killer - other than a couple of impotent statements written by Iain and read out by Trina's family over the last year. Iain Hunt and his family has not contributed towards the reward. They have not and refuse to commit any finances, nor time, nor provide any more encouragement, effort, nor exposure to help track down Trina's killer and help provide closure. Iain, and his family's silence and weak action is deeply noted by all, her friends, and most importantly, the memory and family of Trina.

Trina Hunt: Aug 25 2022

Feb 4 2025

Iain Hunt, now 52, has been charged with one count of indignity to human remains: "a person neglects to perform their legal duty to bury a dead human body, or if a person interferes in an improper, indecent or undignified way with a dead human body or human remains". Iain Hunt has been released from custody. He is expected to appear in court on March 5 2025.

Hundreds of people hours, checking on sources and verification, have gone into creating and ensuring this timeline, and website, is accurate and factual. If you reference any, or all of it, please reference TRINAHUNT.COM and link through to this website to help raise awareness. Whilst the facts are not copyrighted, the text, structure, the timeline, and the images are. We permit any reasonable usage with fair credit to this site.

Social Media

Family Operated Facebook Group
Unofficial Find Trina Hunt Group
Unofficial Reddit Sub


If you have any information about Trina Hunt, if you think you saw her after the 16th January 2021 in Port Moody, BC or Hope BC, please contact

Port Moody Police at 604-461-3456, or
Crime Stoppers to remain anonymous at 1-800-222-8477
Trina Hunt, 38 Hawthorn Drive, Port Moody, BC.
This website is not operated by Trina Hunt's family, nor is associated with them in any way. The facts in this website are believed to be correct at the time of publication. TrinaHunt.com is maintained by a small group of dedicated people that want to find out what has happened to Trina, and will never let Trina's memory be forgotten.
Web hosting, design, and development has been done free of charge and kindly supported by
